A D D R E S S  :
Noorderstrand 2 (Zwarte Pad) Scheveningen
Are you travelling with public transport? Then these are your options:
Centraal Station Den Haag: Tram 9, Bus 22
Station Hollands Spoor Den Haag: Tram 9 & Tram 1
Den Haag Centrum: Tram 1 & 9, Bus 22

C O N T A C T  :
For more information on parties, celebrations or weddings you can contact Marjolijn Veerman by sending an e-mail to [email protected] or by calling: 06-81283907 (please note: we do not use WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and other digital communication platforms).

Want to make a reservation? Use our reservation system in the lower right corner.

For other questions, you can reach us at: 06-81283907.

O P E N I N G  H O U R S  :
We do not have fixed opening hours at Naturel. We are as flexible as the weather can be in Holland. As long as it is not raining cats and dogs we are opened! We do have certain days where we are exclusively booked for weddings or other celebrations. In case you are doubting you can always take a look at our homepage; we’ll announce our opening hours every morning. You are also more than welcome to give us a ring.

W O R K I N G  A T  N A T U R E L :
We are always keen to meet new enthusiastic employees that love to work at the beach. Experience is more than welcome but not a requirement. Send us an e-mail with your motivation, experience and a fun picture of yourself to [email protected] and who knows you’ll be part of our tribe in the blink of an eye.

N A T U R E L  I S  G E T T I N G  G R E E N
If you are allowed to construct your beach house in an environment as beautiful as ours, surrounded by just dunes, the sea and sand, then it’s your duty to try preserve mother nature as much as possible. Not only we, but also our children and grand children should be able to enjoy this beautiful piece of nature. Because of this, we aim to work as sustainable as possible. Of course, this is not always easy and achievable, besides it’s a continuous process. But most importantly, we have this in the back of our minds with every decision we make.

Thanks to changes that we made such as; not using single use plastic, buying (when possible) biological products, not offering to many meat options and using nature friendly soaps we received the ‘Green Key’ certificate in 2021. Green Key is the biggest sustainability label for the touristic and recreative industry. Apart from that, we make sure that our staff clothing is made in a sustainable way both for those making the clothing but also for mother nature.

Do you have tips or ideas on how we can improve? Let us know!

Check here our MVO declaration.